About us
Tauranga Women’s Refuge is an Incorporated Society (Collective) that employs a Manager to manage services to women, their children, families and whanau. These services are provided by a dedicated team of skilled, trained, experienced and qualified Domestic Violence practitioners, Advocates and/or Social Workers.
Tauranga Women’s Refuge is a women centred and Not for Profit community organisation established 17 June 1980 to provide a safe place for women and their children needing a safe place as result of Domestic Violence (Physical, emotional and psychological).
Tauranga Women’s Refuge receives approximately 50 percent of total funding from Ministry of Social Development and Ministry of Justice to provide a 24 hour Crisis Phone Line, Safe House shelter, Community based advocacy, information, education, awareness services and programs, free counselling, Kaupapa Maori Women’s and Children’s program and Whanau Protect (a safe at home service).
Tauranga Women’s Refuge receives approximately 50 percent of total funding from the generosity and goodwill of philanthropic, fundraising, sponsorship, funding support from local service clubs, gaming trusts, local government, businesses and fundraising groups
Our Vision
We believe women and children have the right to live their lives free from fear and violence.
Our Structure
We were set up under the Incorporated Society Act 1908 17th June 1980 as a Collective there are seven women responsible for the strategic direction and decisions of Tauranga Women’s Refuge. The Collective employs a Manager to manage a small team of skilled, trained, experienced and qualified specialist domestic violence practitioners, counsellors, facilitators, advocates and social workers.
Our Work
We provide specialist domestic violence crisis intervention and support services within residential and community settings for women and children experiencing domestic violence (physical, emotional and psychological) who need safety and protection for example, 24 hour crisis helpline, temporary safe house, counselling, living without violence education programmes for women and children.
OUR VALUES are underpinned by:

To help, listen, assist, embrace & support.

To support, guide, comfort, protect, advocate, navigate, empathise.

To respect, nurture, care, hospitality, love, kindness, generosity.

To care, protect, nurture, compassion, empathy.
What does the true face of NZ Family Violence look like?
The Ministry of Social Development’s areyouok campaign created an infographic with data which gives an overview of NZ family violence statistics as at 2017.